Our consultants point out new paths, create solutions, provide impetus and new ideas.
Whether it’s designing workshops on digitalisation, achieving readiness for product launch, preparing a tender, organisational consulting, system review, as a technical / content sparring partner, concept development and requirements analysis, end-to-end – we only provide you with experienced colleagues.
Methodically adept. High competence. Quality. Our consulting services can always be operationalised.

We work with universities, universities of applied sciences, research organisations, foundations and companies on a wide range of consulting projects.
Our approach is sustainable and of high quality.
Knowing that consulting must not be bogged down in glossy foils.

AT-CRIS consulting does not leave you with glossy films.
On the contrary, we will accompany your implementation of our consulting services if you wish.
End-to-end. Across all phases along our steps to a successful product launch.
You determine the parameters of our support.
Here is just a selection of situations and issues in which we have been able to provide support:

  • Are you stuck with the project launch and can’t get any further?
  • Do you need external project management support to get your project moving again?
  • Are you missing a concept for solving a complex situation?
  • Do you need ideas and new impetus?
  • Do you need a market overview of a certain topic?
  • Do you lack an overview of data / processes / systems?
  • What do you think of an independent product evaluation?
  • The organisational structure in your systems is inconsistent?

Establishing readiness before the system decision shortens the duration of the software implementation project. Conflicts within your organisation and with the software manufacturers pushing for acceptance are reduced by careful preparation of the implementation.

As part of our Readiness Service, we prepare you for the software implementation:

  • The acceptance of a new software solution has a lot to do with vision, target image and perspective. The necessary decisions should be made before you decide in favour of a product.
  • We prepare your organisation for the use of the new software solution.
    Processes are analysed and, if necessary, modified and improved.
  • Existing data and data required in the future will be analysed and prepared.
    The quality-assured legacy data can then be migrated directly to the new solution.
  • New software solutions must be integrated into the existing IT infrastructure. We prepare the technical and functional specifications in such a way that the IT specialists can start with the integration directly after the decision in favour of the software solution.
  • Data protection issues are already discussed during the readiness phase and ideally even clarified so that they do not become stumbling blocks later on, unnecessarily prolong the implementation project and possibly even block the go-live.

From our activities in the consulting and implementation business, we know the professional and technical requirements that are placed on software solutions. AT-CRIS does not build software itself. Instead, we are happy to make our knowledge available to you and advise you on the implementation of new modules and solutions. In doing so, we always orientate ourselves to the philosophy of your software.

AT-CRIS does not act as a reseller for existing software products.
AT-CRIS also does not profit if someone decides in favour of a software product from company XY.
Nor does AT-CRIS provide development resources for third-party products.
If AT-CRIS implements open source software at the request of a customer, we contribute to further development if this is necessary for the project with our customer.

With the core data set Research and the Third Pillar / Third Misson, we offer you standardised services. We use these to reduce your financial risk in complex issues.

Research institutions in Germany are currently faced with the challenge of deciding whether and, if so, how the KDSF should be implemented. The basis for deciding whether and, if so, how the KDSF should be implemented should be an assessment of the current situation (iFQ et al. report on the results of the “Core Data Set for Research” project, 13 October 2015).

Data availability and data quality as well as data collection with regard to reliability, handling and data protection are analysed as part of a three-stage status quo survey (collection, analysis, report).
On the basis of this assessment, the need for action to implement the core data set can be identified and existing data collection processes optimised. In this sense, the current status survey is a quality assurance measure that supports the scientific institution in ensuring data quality and availability for the KDSF in the long term with as little effort as possible.

Our “Fit for the KDSF?!” service gives you an insight into your organisation
and directly identifies any areas for action.
The service is designed in such a way that it can also be used as a research information system (RIS).

Every university interacts closely with its region and the people who live there.
Universities are active as teaching and research institutions, employers, service providers and co-operation partners, but also in the context of knowledge and technology transfer.
Despite their regional integration and networking, universities are often unable to answer the question “What activities are there at my institution that fall under the topic area of third mission / mission society?”.

However, knowledge of one’s own transfer activities is the basis for actively managing the mission society and gaining competitive advantages. With this conviction, AT-CRIS has developed a holistic approach that allows universities to actively manage their mission society with IT support and thus not only find answers to open questions, but also actively create added value for themselves and society.

Get started with the exciting topic of transfer/third mission with the AT-CRIS “Fact Sheet Web Footprint” service. We use it to analyse your institution from the outside and highlight possible fields of action.

Dr. Wolfram Schüssler

Your contact person

Dr. Wolfram Schüßler
Head of Consulting Services

Am Sandfeld 4
76149 Karlsruhe

T: +49 (0)721 50437 444
M: +49 (0)151 722 225 45

Further services


