AT-CRIS Services
AT-CRIS Services
AT-CRIS brings experience from successful projects in Denmark, Germany, Holland, Italy, South Africa, Thailand, Austria, Finland, England and the USA.
AT-CRIS opens up new horizons for its customers – for product manufacturers, universities and research institutions alike – by providing consulting and implementation services for international standards, problems and
challenges as well as a wide variety of systems.
AT-CRIS provides cross-thematic advice:
Tender support, IT infrastructure consulting, organisational consulting, research information systems, student administration, LOM, library management, doctoral student administration, transfer and IT infrastructure.
AT-CRIS is guaranteed to be product-independent.
AT-CRIS is neither a licence reseller nor a software developer.
The university chooses the product – we provide the expertise.
There is no other company that has already worked with more software products in this environment – an excerpt: DSpace, Islandora, HISinOne, Pure, Docata, Converis, UniversiS, VIVO, FOLIO, […and many more…] and we take over all services around the product within the scope of the possibilities –
an excerpt: Housing, installation, configuration, integration, migration, training, error analyses, code development (in open source solutions).
As a 100% product-independent consulting, solution and service provider, AT-CRIS can offer preparatory services – enabling the institution to build up knowledge and expertise even before the software is put out to tender.
AT-CRIS thus offers a full range of services along the IT professionalisation process:
- Before the tender (cannot be offered by product manufacturers in principle): As-is assessments, web footprints, preparation for system implementation with regard to data, systems, processes, integrations, […], preparation of system evaluations
- As part of the tendering process with technical and content-related support for tenders and tender evaluations.
- After a product decision by supporting the complete, functional and technical implementation.
- In operation: In addition to the implementation of change management projects and the normal operation of the system, AT-CRIS offers dedicated services such as the 360°CRIS Review Service to regularly review systems in operation and identify potentials and opportunities.